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청소년에게 머신 러닝(ML)에 대해 가르치는 것은 어떻게 다릅니까?

by soosun 2021. 12. 6.

어린이와 청소년에게 머신 러닝(ML)에 대해 가르치는 것과 컴퓨팅의 다른 측면에 대해 가르치는 것은 어떻게 다릅니까? 동부 핀란드 대학의 Matti Tedre 교수와 Henriikka Vartiainen 박사는 최신 연구 세미나에서 몇 가지 답변을 공유했습니다.


Current teaching in schools: classical rule-driven programming

Matti and Henriikka started by giving an overview of classical programming and how it is currently taught in schools. Classical programming can be described as rule-driven. Example features of classical computer programs and programming languages are:

  • A classical language has a strict syntax, and a limited set of commands that can only be used in a predetermined way
  • A classical language is deterministic, meaning we can guarantee what will happen when each line of code is run
  • A classical program is executed in a strict, step-wise order following a known set of rules

Machine learning (data-driven) models and new computational thinking (CT 2.0) 



The machine learning effect: Magic boxes and computational thinking 2.0 - Raspberry Pi

For computing educators, teaching young people about machine learning means redefining computational thinking, say Matti Tedre and his team.

