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Network setting VMWare http://www.nextcube.org/board/bbs.php3?board=board&line=rdate&fld=&mode=view&id=3801&nws=&page=1&keyword=&flag=&a_o= 1) 네트워크 설정 메가패스에 공유기를 사용중이시면 아마 DHCP로 되어 있을 거예요. 근데 NeXTSTEP에는 DHCP 지원이 없기 때문에 고정 IP로 잡아줘야 합니다. 별도로 DHCP 패키지를 설치하는 방법도 있긴 하지만, 그냥 공유기와 같은 C 클래스의 고정 IP를 잡아주는게 편리하거든요. 먼저 SimpleNetworkStarter에서 hostname과 고정 IP를 설정합니다. 그리고 네트워크 옵션에서 gateway, subnetmask, broadcast 주소를 적어주고 설정을 마치면 됩니다.. 2009. 5. 19.
VMWareFB 드라이버 문제 해결점이 없네... I have the same issue with my VMWARE install on win2k, and I have to make sure I am in a 32bit color resolution before "booting" OS in VMWare. Here is the relevant info from the Atomic site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your display appears to have very incorrect colors, then the problem is most likely that OpenStep cannot properly handle the numbe.. 2009. 5. 18.
3.1 DNS - How to setup on NS3.3/OS4.2 in a Mixed Non-NeXT Network? The following was taken from the following 1998.12.11 post by Marc J. Driftmeyer @ mdrift@psca.com 1. Login as or su to root 2. Create/Edit the file /etc/resolv.conf Example for blowme.edu kimba:4# more /etc/resolv.conf #insert local nameservers here # hostresorder local bind #The above line tells nslookup to first consult /etc/hosts, netinfo, then use one of the #nameservers below for name-IP a.. 2009. 5. 18.
Any success with networking with VMWare ? http://www.nextcomputers.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=816&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15 ------------------------------------- - Remove all netinfo stuff again - set hostmanager as local with informations from VMWare (manager virtual networks) -> network DCHP. copy all information ! - resolv.conf make inside of /etc - VMware set to use NAT - reboot ------------------------------------- I just s.. 2009. 5. 18.
Sharing a folder between NextStep 3.3 and the host computer http://www.nextcomputers.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2072 Setup of the NEXTSTEP NFS server is explained here: http://www.channelu.com/NeXT/NeXTStep/3.3/nsa/04_NFS.htmld/index.html#4sett You can download the neccessary "Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications" for Vista here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=93FF2201-325E-487F-A398-EFDE5758C47F&displayla.. 2009. 5. 18.
NeXTSTEP 4.2J install guid - VMWare6.5.1 오랜만에 VMWare와 VirtualBox에 NeXTSTEP 3.3 과 4.2를 설치 했다. - 3.3 버전은 VMWare 3.2 버전에서는 정상 작동 한다고 했지만 VMWare 3.3 버전은 설치해서 사용하기에 문제가 많다. - VirtualBox는 EIDE 드라이버 문제인지 3.3은 패닉이 4.2는 IO속도가 너무 느려서 결국 포기 - 결국 최신 VMWare 6.5.1에 4.2버전을 설치 진행 . 마우스점핑, Display, 네트웍 문제 해결 필요 . 여러 곳을 창아보니 다양한 버전과 방법, 드라이버가 있어 약간의 시행 착오후 설치 내용 정리 - But(해결해야할 문제) . 사용할만은 하지만 마우스 점핑 문제 약간 깔끔하지 않은 듯 . 해상도가 1280*1024 이상 올리면 문제 발생 --------.. 2009. 5. 17.
Rhapsody DR2 install to VirtualBox 2009. 5. 17.
[강좌] VMware 3.2에 NeXTSTEP 3.3 빌드하기 (3부) [강좌] VMware 3.2에 NeXTSTEP 3.3 빌드하기 (3부) by http://www.nextcube.org [강좌] VMware 3.2에 NeXTSTEP 3.3 빌드하기 (3부) by http://www.nextcube.org 2009. 5. 16.
[강좌] VMware 3.2에 NeXTSTEP 3.3 빌드하기 (2부) [강좌] VMware 3.2에 NeXTSTEP 3.3 빌드하기 (2부) by http://www.nextcube.org 2009. 5. 16.
[강좌] VMware 3.2에 NeXTSTEP 3.3 빌드하기 (1부) [강좌] VMware 3.2에 NeXTSTEP 3.3 빌드하기 (1부) by http://www.nextcube.org in case vmware 6.5.1 2009. 5. 16.
Pyro Card on eBay - old but pictures http://cgi.ebay.com/XXXRare-PYRO-Accelerator-Card-NeXT-NeXTstation-Computer_W0QQitemZ300303488943QQihZ020QQcategoryZ51046QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 2009. 5. 15.
Rhapsody DR2 install guide http://www.smallersystems.com/blogs/mar/2007/06/09/rhapsody-dr2/ http://www.nextcomputers.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1988 Rhapsody DR2 Apple acquired Next Software in 1997 bringing OpenStep into the Apple fold. OpenStep (and NeXTstep before it) was based on BSD Unix running on top of a heavily modified version of the Mach micro-kernel. OpenStep was used as the foundation of operating system deve.. 2009. 5. 15.