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6. Apple Mac

Parallels 16: Network initialization failed.

by soosun 2020. 11. 25.

sudo -b /Applications/Parallels\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/prl_client_app
(기존 페러렐즈의 부트캠프 이미지는 지워지고 다시 부트캠프 이미지를 생성합니다.)




Parallels 16: Network initialization failed.

I'm on Parallels 16.0.1 and since I have upgraded to Mac OS 11 Big Sur when I start my Windows 10 virtual machine I get this error message "Network initialization failed. Your virtual machine will continue working normally but will no have no network conne



아래 덧글 내용,

1.sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml


2.Search for <UseKextless>X</UseKextless>

  • X maybe -1 or 1
  • and change X to 0
  • Control+O to save the file
  • Control+X to quit

